Analyzing Sales of 3,000+ Handsets in 2014
We held a webinar on 24th February 2015, providing detailed understanding of hot trends, strategies and competitive dynamics in the smartphone industry.
We answered the following questions:
- How many Galaxy Note 4s were sold last month versus iPhone 6 Plus?
- What is the typical spec of a $150 Android smartphone?
- What was the average internal memory distribution across different brands?
- What was the sweet spot in terms of display size?
- What were the winning portfolio strategies?
- What was the LTE penetration for top-selling brands?
- Or any of a million other questions..
Counterpoint Research gathers model-level device sales for more than 3000 handset models from over 300 brands across 37 countries every month. We can customize our data to fit our clients' operational needs.
We have a superb resource for: application developers; manufacturers; industrial designers; component vendors; the financial services industry or anyone else who needs to understand connected device market dynamics.