Market Monitor Q1 2019 - Quarterly Mobile Handset Market Detailed Overview

Jul 7, 2019


Global smartphone market declined 6% year-on-year (YoY) in 2019 Q1. In the current scenario, it becomes important to the ecosystem players to keep a close watch at the Global Smart Phone market to identify growth opportunities and keep up with the market dynamics.

Counterpoint’s Market Monitor - Quarterly Market Detailed Overview is an insightful report providing detailed analysis of the vendor activity and performance, measuring both volume and revenue by sell-in by major region and key countries (55+) and top (130+) vendors covering close to 95% of the global handset shipments. It is one of the detailed industrywide service providing an analysis of the key market drivers broken out by volume and value – which OEMs, brands and models are performing well, in which markets and why. Based on the in-depth analysis and primary knowledge, the report also gives the smartphone industry shipments forecast. The report also comes with a carefully chosen featured section based on the quarterly happenings. This quarter, the section is on the Huawei's trade ban and its effect on the industry with scenario-based shipment forecast. Huawei's trade ban is likely to significantly affect the mobile phone market in 2019.


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Jul 7, 2019

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