Global smartwatch shipments fell 9% YoY in Q2 2024. This marks the second consecutive quarter of YoY decline in global smartwatch shipments, likely due to a significant slowdown in the growth of India’s once-booming local smartwatch brands. While Apple, the leader in the overall smartwatch market, saw a YoY decline in shipments, Huawei’s growth offset this drop, resulting in an overall flat performance for the HLOS smartwatch market.
Table of Contents:
- Smartwatch Shipments Trends
- By Device Type
- By OEM
- By Region
- By Price Band
- Smartwatch Spec Analysis
- Operating System
- Chipset
- Display Type
- Major OEM Trends
- Apple
- Huawei vs Samsung
- Market Intelligence Tracker
Number of Pages: 27
Published Date: August 2024