The latest research from Counterpoint’s Semi Service reveals that Global Data Center CPU market’s revenue declined 4.4% YoY in 2022. AMD registered a 62% YoY growth in its data center CPU revenue to hold a 20% market share. Intel’s data center CPU revenue dropped 16% YoY in 2022, while its market share fell to 71%. ARM-based CPUs gained traction with Ampere, Graviton (Amazon) and Yitian (Alibaba) to surpass $1 billion in revenues for the first time. This market share growth in AMD was driven by newer product releases and performance gains with respect to market leader Intel’s existing portfolio. ARM based chips also saw a rise due to Amazon based Graviton processors being deployed at a larger scale along with Ampere computing chips. This report analyses the revenues of Data Center Chips based on Company and Architecture.
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Published Date: February 2023