Post-Event Coverage: 5G Leadership Summit 2019, Mumbai

Sep 8, 2019

Our Research Director, Neil Shah attended the 5G India Leadership Summit in Mumbai moderating a panel on the creation of a device ecosystem for driving 5G in India.

At the recent Konnect Worldwide Business Media Pvt. Ltd & Cellular Operators Association of India - COAI 5G Leadership Summit in Mumbai we had a very insightful discussion on the top 5G use-cases for India. Its sooner & more disruptive & worth the hype.

4G has been the key tech which drove an inflection point in India for transforming hundreds of millions of voice subscribers to digital internet subscribers in last three years, catalyzed by operators such as Jio. 5G is going to take the users and enterprises to the next level to consume, create and communicate with richer, faster content as well as other massive IoT benefits for businesses and society.

5G Leadership Summit5G Leadership Summit5G Leadership Summit5G Leadership Summit



Sep 8, 2019