Meet Counterpoint at EV Tech, 2018

Sep 15, 2018

We will be attending EV Tech on September 19

Our analysts Vinay Piparsania and Aman Madhok will be attending EV Tech, 2018 in New Delhi.

You can schedule a meeting with them to discuss the latest trends in the Automotive and Mobility sectors.

To get live EV Tech updates you can watch this space or follow us on Twitter 

Click here to schedule a meeting with them.

Read more about EV Tech 2018




Sep 15, 2018


Team Counterpoint

Counterpoint research is a young and fast growing research firm covering analysis of the tech industry. Coverage areas are connected devices, digital consumer goods, software & applications and other adjacent topics. We provide syndicated research reports as well as tailored. Our seminars and workshops for companies and institutions are popular and available on demand. Consulting and customized work on the above topics is provided for high precision projects.