Our CY 2020 Market Monitor report has been published. We release one infographic each year to summarize the mobile handset market activities in a single page.
Some quick observations on the smartphone market:
- Global smartphone market declined nearly 10% in 2020 from the previous year due to the COVID-19-related lockdowns.
- The most significant decline was seen in H1 2020, when the smartphone market fell by 18% compared to the same period in 2019.
- While the smartphone market continued to decline in H2 2020, the decline was reduced to a relatively small 3%.
- This was primarily due to the pent-up demand seen in Q3 2020 following the lifting of lockdowns in most geographies. This resulted in the QoQ decline in Q3 2020 being only 4% compared with 13% and 23% in Q1 2020 and Q2 2020 respectively.
- Thanks to the holiday season demand and exceptional performance by Apple, Q4 2020 saw an even smaller decline compared to the same period in 2019.
- Each of the regions mentioned below saw a decline in 2020, with LATAM falling the most at 20% and the MEA falling the least at about 7%.
- Furthermore, each of these regions declined in each of the two halves of 2020 as well as each of the year's four quarters with two exceptions – MEA grew by about 2% in Q3 2020 and Asia grew by about 4% in Q4 2020.
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Some quick observations on the feature phone market:
- Global feature phone shipments were severely battered in 2020, declining nearly 25% compared to the previous year.
- Expectedly, the sharpest fall was of around 47% in Q2 2020 in which North America saw the sharpest decline, of about 62%.
- The decline in 2020 was contributed by each of the regions mentioned below, with North America declining the most (about 65%) and the MEA the least (about 19%).
- Further, each of these regions declined in both halves and every quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in the previous year, with the exception of MEA, which grew by about 9% in Q1 2020.
- While India displaced the MEA as the biggest feature phone market in Q4 2020, the MEA remained the biggest feature phone market in 2020.
- Alcatel retained its position as the top brand in NAM in 2020 despite its shipments reducing to almost a third of 2019.
- Positivo, which grew by about 10% to reach shipments of 0.96 million units in 2020, replaced Multilaser as the world's second biggest feature phone brand.
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