ET Telecom Presents Digital Telco: Virtual Summit '20

Sep 15, 2020

Our Research Vice President Neil Shah will be moderating a panel discussion at the Digital Telco Virtual Summit '20. The event runs from 18th to 19th September 2020.

The details for the panel discussion are below:

Topic:  Managing the transition towards advanced 5G


Time: 18th September 2020 | 3:40 PM – 4:40 PM

An overview of the event:

With next-generation technologies at the horizon, the Indian telecom sector, passing through turbulent times, is eyeing newer business opportunities, as the carriers strategically overhaul their architecture to become digital service providers. Embracing innovation to enable technology transformation is no more a second thought for telcos, as they must deliver faster, smarter and on-demand services with high resilience.

Telcos, thus, are increasingly embracing open cloud architecture as a part of their cloud-native approach to step up transformation as a next-generation service operator. While at the onset of a new decade, marred with the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses worldwide have already started to reshape their operational models. It is high time for telecom carriers to closely collaborate with technology and IT infrastructure providers to redefine strategies, create new revenue streams and stay competitive in the market driven by cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence and blockchain.

The virtual summit, organized by, will bring top executives from telecom carriers, technology & infrastructure providers, and regulatory & government officials together to deliberate potential strategies and bottlenecks in India's digital transformation.

In this two-day summit, Day 1 will discuss challenges & opportunities in the telecom sector and Day 2 will have an executive training program.

Register for the event here.

To get live Digital Telco Virtual Summit updates you can watch this space or follow us on Twitter 

You can find more information about the event here.



Sep 15, 2020