Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Summit 2021

Sep 14, 2021

Our Research Vice President Neil Shah will be speaking at the Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Summit 2021 on September 23rd.  The topic of the panel discussion is “Paving the way to autonomous vehicles with ADAS”.

Session Details: Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM IST

Neil will be joined by:

  • Surender Kannan, Vice President of Sales APAC & Japan, Cavli Wireless
  • Dr. Ajay Palkar, Head of Electrical & Electronics – EE I Technology Centre, SKODA AUTO Volkswagen India

Registration link:

About the webinar:

Ever since the automobile industry graduated to become an accepted mode of road transportation, it has had a profound impact on the world. It has scaled many landmarks in its 100 years plus journey. It has altered the way people move, live, and consume things. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the resilience of the Indian auto industry was tested severely and the crisis would demand increased merger & acquisition activity in the near future. Before the pandemic, the industry has witnessed various emerging technologies such as connected mobility, electric mobility, autonomous driving, ADAS, blockchain, speech and voice recognition, advanced navigation etc. paving their place in regulatory mechanisms.. The idea of connectivity will not only enhance user's safety, security and convenience but will also revolutionise how services are paid for.

Today, powered by the advancements in technology the automotive industry is undergoing an accelerated transition, drawing our much needed attention towards it. All of us are waiting for Covid fog to clear before we bring back our two annual physical platforms for the industry to address the present and future of transportation in India.

In the prevailing pandemic, we conscientiously decided on cancelling our annual conference TI Automotive 2020 & annual conclave CV 2021. Meanwhile, for us as a focussed media in automotive telematics, simultaneous move to build a virtual platform has come as a natural corollary.
Telematics Wire is looking forward to welcoming you all to our first virtual conference and exhibition “Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Summit” (CAV Summit).

CAV Summit is a progression with optimism and resolve in the direction to play a part in the cumulative industry vision to renew the vibrancy of the automotive industry. It is a step to forge synergy and reconnect all of us in the automotive telematics community.

CAV Summit is being organised to promote information interchange amongst stakeholders in the passenger mobility and transportation. The success story of shared mobility in India is now well known. Connected vehicle ecosystem and in not so far various levels of autonomy will be seen on roads in India as well. Notwithstanding the present apprehensions of a sizable customer segment against fully autonomous cars at their doorstep, trend seems to be shifting towards CAV finding their place in passenger and commercial space.

Get ready to explore valuable content and ample engagement opportunities in this summit. Live-streamed videos and virtual tours with opportunities to interact with luminaries of the industry in interactive sessions.

To get live updates from the event you can watch this space or follow us on Twitter .



Sep 14, 2021